Bring in migrants to cut billions from deficit, says Osborne’s watchdog

It also showed that if annual immigration were to remain at present levels of 260,000 the economy would grow more quickly. The OBR said that higher immigration would raise the annual growth rate over the next five decades from 2.4 per cent to 2.7 per cent. Under these circumstances the size of the fiscal consolidation needed to bring down the public debt to 40 per cent of GDP would be three times smaller, at just £4.6bn.

Read more 

Source : The independent 

Why Microsoft’s ‘Avoid Ghetto App’ Takes Us the Wrong Way

MSNBC, which is owned by Microsoft, attempted to weigh in on the budding controversy by mentioning that they never used the term “ghetto.” An AOL reporter actually did some reporting, talking to experts who compared the tool to redlining and found it “appalling” and others who said it was “creepy” but useful.

Read more

Source : Polis

#25 Collected Reading – Protest edition

Quote of the week

“The service of a good citizen is never useless : being heard and seen, he helps by his expression, a nod of his head, a stubborn silence, even his gait. ”
– Seneca

1.Why Establishment Media & the Power Elite Loathe Occupy Wall Street 

“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”



2. What’s behind the scorn for the Wall Street protests?

“Some of these critiques are ludicrous.  Does anyone really not know what the basic message is of this protest: that Wall Street is oozing corruption and criminality and its unrestrained political power — in the form of crony capitalism and ownership of political institutions — is destroying financial security for everyone else?”


Source : Salon

3. Unequal Responsibility for Crime

“The case Mokhiber cited is not unique. In 1982 a study of America’s five hundred largest corporations reported that “23 percent of them had been convicted of a major crime or had paid more than $50,000 in penalties for serious misbehavior during the previous decade”


Source :Truth Out

4. Freedom Riders Documentary PBS

“In 1908, journalist Ray Stannard Baker observed that “no other point of race contact is so much and so bitterly discussed among Negroes as the Jim Crow car.” As bus travel became widespread in the South over the first half of the 20th century, it followed the same pattern”

culture, race, USA, nonviolence

Source : PBS

5. Israelis plan million-strong march as protesters call for social justice

“It is certainly one of the largest street protests we have experienced in Israel,” said Tamar Hermann, of the Israel Democracy Institute. “But what really makes it different is its heterogeneous nature. Normally protest is homogeneous. Diversity is as important as size.”


Source : The Guardian

Hope you like this collection. Please comment, share and most of all enjoy.

– Kaushik

#2 Collected Reading : May 1st 2011

1.Prodigal Sun

“Solar energy was a rising star in the ’70s — until it was banished by the powers that be. Are we ready for its return.”

Sustainable, Technology,USA

Source :  Motherjones

2. Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%

“Everyone possesses self-interest in a narrow sense: I want what’s good for me right now! Self-interest “properly understood” is different. It means appreciating that paying attention to everyone else’s self-interest—in other words, the common welfare—is in fact a precondition for one’s own ultimate well-being.”

Economy, Life, USA

Source :  Vanity Fair

3. American Murder Mystery

 “People were moved too quickly, without any planning, and without any thought about where they would live, and how it would affect the families or the places,” complains James Rosenbaum, the author of the original Gautreaux study. 

Housing, Urban, Race

Source :  The Atlantic

4. John Maeda Mulls RISD’s Backlash Against His Cyber-Style Leadership

 I realize that what I thought could work in the digital era doesn’t have the same impact locally as it does globally. People don’t want more messages; they want more interactions.

Teaching, Design, Leadership, Digital

Source :  Fast Company Digital

5. Streetlife – Performing politics in the square

How does urban geography effect the way societies develop? What have streets given to politics?

Urban, Culture, Global

Source :  BBC : Thinking Allowed

Hope you like this collection. Please comment, share and most of all enjoy.

– Kaushik