#10 Collected Reading June 26th, 2011

Quote of the week

“Ignorance is the mother of arrogance – Hans Hoffman”

1.René Magritte: enigmatic master of the impossible dream

“Like every good artist, he makes us see the everyday differently but he does it without the pretension of so many other artists.”

Art, Commentary, Everyday

Source :The Guardian

2.Get them while they’re young

“Everything I’ve ever learned about marketing, I learned in church,” says Andrea, one of the people featured in this film.”

Marketing, Ritual, Culture

Source : The Guardian

3. What’s pushing up food prices?

““After intense lobbying, banks won deregulation of commodities markets in the US in 2000, allowing them to develop these new products. Goldman Sachs pioneered commodity index funds” 

Food, Poverty, Policy

Source : The Guardian

4. The Social Network’s Aaron Sorkin quits Facebook

“I acknowledge that video games could be an amazing art form – but not until the people making them go back a bit, to the Aaron Sorkin way of thinking about character and motivation.”

Writing, Culture, Stories

Source : The Guardian

Hope you like this collection. Please comment, share and most of all enjoy.

– Kaushik

#6 Collected Reading : May 29th 2011

Quote of the week

“After visiting the slums of the metropolis, one realises for the first time that these Londoners have been forced to sacrifice the best qualities of their human nature, to bring to pass all the marvels of civilisation which crowd their city.” – Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844.

1.Single payer healthcare: Vermont’s gentle revolution

“Vermont hired Harvard economist William Hsiao to come up with three alternatives to the current system. The single payer system, Hsiao wrote, “will produce savings of 24.3% of total health expenditure between 2015 and 2024”

Health, Policy, Politics

Source :  The Guardian

2. Unspoken Truths

“Simon Hoggart of The Guardian (son of the author of The Uses of Literacy), who about 35 years ago informed me that an article of mine was well argued but dull, and advised me briskly to write “more like the way that you talk. – Christopher Hitchens”

Creativity, Voice, Life

Source :  Vanity Fair

3. Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood poised to prosper in post-Mubarak new era

 “But Muntasser al-Zayyat, a prominent Islamist lawyer, believes the Ikhwan could end up controlling as much as 60% of parliament – because their secular and liberal rivals are divided and far less experienced than ex-members of Mubarak’s now disbanded National Democratic party, who are likely to stand as independents in their old constituencies.” 

Social, Networks, Culture

Source :  The Guardian

4. Tale of two halves reunited after a 360-year separation

“The art historian is passionate about this painting, one of about 650,000 treasures moved from China to Taiwan in the last stages of the Chinese civil war that are now on display in the Taipei museum or stored in its vault..”

Art, History, Curation

Source : The Independent

5. Social Media Distractions Are Costing Businesses Major Money [STUDY]

“While these distractions are money-wasters for companies, they also negatively effect individuals’ ability to creatively solve problems, think deeply about work-related issues, efficiently process information and meet deadlines.”

Media, Work

Source :  Mashable

Hope you like this collection. Please comment, share and most of all enjoy.

– Kaushik